Access Rules

Equipment reservation:

1) The equipment reservation associated with the SME UA is carried out independently, for each equipment.

2) For  each SME UA user will be assigned permissions independently of the equipment. Possible permissions are: User, Operator and Independent Operator.

3) Reservations are requested by users every week, between 00:00 on Mondays and 23:59 on Tuesdays, for occupy the schedules/sessions of the following week.

4) Sessions are assigned automatically, at 00:00 on Wednesday, taking into account the number of sessions available, the user's history of reservation attempts and their permissions. Always verify SME calendar and your Spam email.

5) The user's reservation attempt history (number of points) is obtained, as follows: no session is obtained, a point (+1) is awarded to the user,  accumulates points until obtain a session and when obtains, it returns to zero point.

6) All sessions used must be validated by users. If not validated, it will not be allowed to book a new session.


Sample Preparation:


7) The user will be responsible for preparing the SEM and TEM samples and booking the equipment in the sample preparation room. Samples must be correctly packaged.

8) Ferromagnetic samples have to be observed on TEM: Jeol 2200FS and SEM: Hitachi S4100 and SU-70 in Field Free Mode (bulk samples well fixed and verified and powder samples is not allowed).